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The 十大彩票网投平台 National 校友 Association was founded in 1974 with a mission to support and positively influence the goals of the University through an active relationship with the University, its alumni, students and friends. 它的存在 to provide support to the University. The vision of the USA National 校友 Association is to provide comprehensive programs, services, and resources to benefit the University, its alumni, students and friends.

The Association is governed by a 27-member 董事会 who oversee the business of the Association. The executive council consists of the 总统, Vice-总统, Secretary, Treasurer, and the Executive Director. 军官 任期一年. Directors elected with the officers at the September annual meeting serve three-year terms.

Among the activities sponsored by the National 校友 Association are homecoming events, community service opportunities, alumni receptions and scholarship programs which attract students from all over the United States.

南, the 校友 magazine, is published bi-annually. It contains articles about campus happenings, sports, students activities, and alumni success stories. 提交潜力 stories or comments about alumni activities or programs, please 十大彩票网投平台.

The Association sponsors the 南方人. The 南方人 is a 24-member group serving as the University ambassadors. The ambassadors assist with recruitment, fund raising 以及校友活动. The members also serve as role models who encourage fellow students to become involved in the National 校友 Association after graduation.