

USA students, from left, Aaron Howard, broadcast journalism major; Ayla Oden, strategic communications major; Jordan Lang, strategic communications major; and Kaylee Henry, strategic communications major; work together on a classroom assignment as Dr. 朱莉 QEP主任Estis和Dr. 传媒主席詹姆斯·奥库因与他们交谈 十大彩票网投平台他们的工作.

Inside 十大彩票网投平台 classrooms, students are working together and earning better grades, thanks to professors who have embraced a new and increasingly popular 学习方法.

For three years, faculty members have attended workshops and professional development 在美国领导团队学习的课程 品质提升计划, which includes new ways to engage, share knowledge and help students retain what 他们学到的. 他们不是为了考试而死记硬背,而是一起学习 将课程内容应用于实际情况并解决复杂问题.

因此,该计划的成功超出了预期. Dr. 大卫•约翰逊 provost and senior vice president for academic affairs, said he is “extremely proud 美国大学的教师和学生对这个项目的反应.”

“教师 members have been willing to invest the time to learn the techniques and 表现出改变教学方式的意愿. 结果非常好。” 约翰逊说.


被称为 TeamUSA, faculty members focus on creating a team-based learning environment, or TBL, where students are held accountable for coming to class prepared and ready to participate 在讨论. 团队学习包括课前阅读,参加考试 individuals and 团队, using the latest audiovisual technology, discussing challenging questions, practicing by doing and, finally, students solving real-life problems in 团队. 

“学生 often have preconceived ideas about group work, but this isn’t the type 你在课外做一个大的小组项目或论文. 台, your team works together during class time with support from the professor or facilitator,’ 博士说. 朱莉 Estis, 2015年起担任QEP董事.

Estis, who began using team-based learning in her speech-language pathology courses, described how changing technology led educators to look for new ways to share knowledge with their students, part of the most technologically advanced generation in history.

“Today, students have access to an almost endless amount of information available 以不断增加的新方式向他们致敬. 教师的角色从提供 information to helping students acquire reliable information and use it effectively,” Estis说. “我们的教职员工真的很关心他们的学生,他们想要 为学生提供强大的学习环境.”

During the program’s development, emphasis was placed on attributes employers said 他们希望在求职者身上看到什么. 其中包括工作能力 well with others, leadership, organizational ability, communication skills, flexibility 以及强烈的职业道德.


Since the program began as part of a five-year 品质提升计划, almost 300 faculty members have been trained, with an average of 84 instructors using team-based 每学期学习. 到目前为止,教职员工已经带领了2万多名学生 在课堂上进行团队学习.


  • Significant increases in student collaboration, problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Significantly fewer Ds and Fs and more As and Bs in team-based learning courses
  • 提高了团队学习课程的留存率
  • 对学生学习成果的高度掌握

Team-based learning has become so popular with the faculty that initial 培训课程, usually held only during the summer, are being scheduled year-round, along with advanced 培训课程.

“Our faculty participation is overwhelmingly higher than we anticipated at the program’s outset, and TBL has spread across our University’s colleges, schools and disciplines,” Estis说. 成功的包括超过45个教师演讲和出版物 与团队学习相关.”

Dr. 劳拉·怀特是物理治疗临床教育的助理主任 在团队学习最热心的支持者中. 今年早些时候,她和 Dr. T.J. 他是医学教育和学生事务的副院长 as associate program director for internal medicine residency, were honored for their outstanding involvement at the QEP Celebration of 成功 held in the 教师 Club.  

“One of the greatest benefits of TBL is the opportunity for students to apply new 在课堂上解决具体问题的知识和技能. 通过解决问题 in class, students can learn both the content and the process for solving real-world 遇到问题并立即从同伴和老师那里得到反馈. 通常, the problems are ‘real-life’ scenarios, so the students can immediately see the relevance 怀特解释道. “我喜欢这种教学方式,因为 它挑战我的“独立思考”能力.“我可以立即评估效果 of my teaching and make adjustments based on students’ performance and questions about 该活动. 它创造了一个积极的学习环境,丰富的课堂讨论 以及即兴的“迷你讲座”来澄清概念.”

White said her students tell her they enjoy ‘learning with and from their peers in a collaborative context,” and they especially like that they can immediately ‘do something 用他们学过的内容.’”


Estis is in the process of obtaining certification as a trainer-consultant from the Team-Based Learning Collaborative, an international professional organization composed 支持学习过程的志愿者. 最近,她被选为团队成员 Learning Collaborative Steering Committee member-at-large, and she also serves on 该组织的项目和奖学金委员会.

“TeamUSA is continuously growing in the number of faculty participating in the project, 所涉及的学科,以及教学质量. 我们的TeamUSA计划是 a reflection of outstanding faculty working together to create engaging and impactful 学习的机会,”Estis说. “我们的学生在学习的过程中获得技能和信心 work together to think critically and solve realistic problems, empowering them to 在他们进入职业生涯的过渡阶段,成为有效的领导者.”
